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The Carbon Project in AMAZON RIO private reserve: Impacts and possibilities beyond REDD+

Amazon Rio I, our Private Reserve for Sustainable Development in the rainforest, since its homologation as a Conservation Unit alongside the Government of Amazonas State in 2013, has accomplished many improvements in the region for forest maintenance and for the development of people that guard and make use of it, the traditional riverside communities.

Amazon Rio Reserve Located in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, on the banks of the Madeira River, with 15 traditional communities in its surroundings.

Carbon markets aim to create economic incentives for reducing emissions, promote sustainable practices and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Putting a price on carbon emissions can encourage companies and individuals to adopt cleaner technologies, reduce their carbon footprint and invest in projects that help mitigate climate change.

With all transactions operated in the carbon market providing financial returns for companies, non-governmental entities and others, the carbon projects offer a window of opportunity for impactful investments. With all that said, check below four elements of the impact generated by the carbon project implemented in Amazon Rio Reserve.

Income generation for riverside communities

Forest conservation can be supported by our carbon project through the promotion of sustainable livelihoods and income-generation activities. Income sources such as eco-tourism, sustainable agriculture practices, and non-timber forest product harvesting can be developed to conserve the ecosystem while offering alternative income sources for local communities. Impactful projects financed by carbon credits represent a modern tool for developing people and infrastructure in the region.

Three of the executed actions in Manicoré are the projects of Training in Açaí sustainable production and management, the Training in Brazilian nuts production and management, and the project of Women’s Empowerment with a Biojewelry business.

Biodiversity Conservation and Habitat Protection

In the Amazon rainforest, carbon projects that protect biodiversity and habitats are crucial. Our carbon initiative encompasses sustainable land-use practices, the conservation of forest regions, and the safeguarding of key habitats. This enables us to conserve endangered species, maintain ecosystem services, and promote overall ecological well-being in the area.

To mention a couple of efforts powered by our carbon project, there is the biodiversity inventory with systematic assessment and documentation of the endangered animal species present in the Reserve and inventories for biomass biodiversity assessment. With access to this data, we become aware of the critical areas and species to conserve and try to expand the Conservation Unit in order to stop deforestation threats.

Indigenous Rights and Cultural Preservation

The Amazon rainforest is home to numerous indigenous and other riverside communities with rich cultural traditions and deep connections to the land. Carbon projects can respect and uphold indigenous rights, traditional knowledge, and cultural practices. The creation of Amazon Rio as a RPDS itself ensures minimal rights of indigenous people to their land, once the lands can only be managed for conservation purposes. Furthermore, collaborative partnerships with indigenous and riverside communities can be established, ensuring their active involvement in project design and implementation. Indigenous-led initiatives, such as community-based monitoring and forest management, must be supported to promote the preservation of indigenous cultures and traditional sustainable practices.

Environmental Education and Technology Integration

Our Carbon project allocates resources for environmental education and awareness programs, targeting local communities, schools, and other stakeholders. It’s crucial to mention AmaGroup’s metaverse, the MetAmazonia, which plays an important role in integrating technology and environmental awareness not only for the communities but also for the world, creating the possibility of positive impacts in scale. Some of the projects created for this oriented mission are the Complementary Education Program, the Photo, Video & Editing Training Program, the Internet Connectivity Program, and the Web3 education course in the communities. These initiatives, besides our metaverse, help to increase the understanding of the importance of forest conservation, climate change mitigation, and sustainable practices. Environmental education, alongside technology, can empower communities to actively participate in the protection of the rainforest, enhance their livelihood and also, with their cultural and traditional knowledge, teach a lot to the world in a phygital immersive experience.

With all aforementioned, it’s important to understand that besides reducing emissions from deforestation, the companies and new enterprises must go beyond, using this financial mechanism for fighting climate change but also for giving back to the region’s economy, infrastructure and people.

Moreover, the conservation of the Amazon rainforest is a humanitarian task, as it is the most precious natural patrimony of our nation and planet. Partnerships for the same purpose are more than crucial. AmaGroup, through all companies of our ecosystem, built many partnerships to boost these projects and efforts, from universities to companies, educational centers and others. Together we’re stronger. The standing forest is our way out of the present and future climate crisis we face now. Become an agent of impact. Join our mission, get to know AmaGroup efforts, and be part of our community on Discord (global) and WhatsApp (Brasil)

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